Eonta Space


Mission & History  






December 4, 2015 - March 31, 2016
president promises
presidential promises
Justin Bieber is the Lindsay Lohan of his generation

Friday December 4, 2015  6:30-9:30pm
Thereafter by appointment only.
Part of JC Fridays  Part of JC Fridays

On view though March 31st, 2016 at Eonta Space in Jersey City, NJ, is Bayard's site specific installation, a crocheted work of one hundred (100) miles of yarn, based on a fifteen (15) by thirty (30) inch rectangle comprised of five (5) layers of three (3) different fibers composed of exactly one (1) mile of yarn each.

Each one (1) mile rectangle is made from:
a) one thousand (1000) yards animal yarn (mohair)
b) six hundred eighty (680) yards vegetable yarn (cotton bakery twine)
c) eighty (80) yards mineral yarn (acrylic)

The work consists of one hundred (100) rectangles  or exactly one hundred (100) miles of yarn becoming a one hundred (100) percent larger version of its principle rectangular component measuring fifteen (15) by thirty (30) feet and is comprised of
a) one hundred thousand (100000) yards animal yarn (mohair)
b) sixty eight thousand (68000) yards vegetable yarn (cotton bakery twine)
c) eight thousand (8000) yards mineral yarn (acrylic).


Each rectangle has six physical sides and five (what the artist calls) working sides.
Physical sides:
1) verso
2) recto
3) top
4) bottom
5) left
6) right
Working sides:
1) core (mineral) eighty (80) yards
2) verso (animal) five hundred (500) yards
3) recto (animal) five hundred (500) yards
4) verso (vegetable) three hundred forty (340) yards
5) recto (vegetable) three hundred forty (340) yards

Physical sides of each rectangle poses a connectability characteristic allowing themselves to be joined to themselves and other rectangles encouraging larger works consisting of multiple rectangles.       

Working sides consist of exactly eleven thousand two hundred fifty (11250) stitches marking time and said stitches are timed (four (4) seconds per stitch) and counted as they are worked.
a) core (mineral) four hundred fifty (450) stitches
b) recto (animal) ) two thousand seven hundred (2700) stitches
c) verso (animal) two thousand seven hundred (2700) stitches
d) verso (vegetable) two thousand four hundred seventy five (2475) stitches
e) recto  (vegetable) two thousand four hundred seventy five (2475) stitches
Each rectangle consisting of eleven thousand two hundred fifty (11250) stitches at four (4) seconds per stitch for a total of forty five thousand (45000) seconds  per rectangle take a total of seven hundred fifty (750) minutes or twelve and one half (12.5) hours to complete. Multiplied by one hundred (100) rectangular units the completed work is comprised of one million one hundred twenty five thousand (1125000) stitches and took a total of (1250) hours or fifty two point zero nine (52.09) twenty four (24) hour days.



Below are events that have taken place at Eonta Space.

December 4, 2014

A solo exhibition of crocheted mohair sculptures and anti-quilt fabric paintings

Lovesphere 19

March 22, 2014
Lovesphere 19

An in-progress showing of Tender Buttons OBJECTS
Tamayo Samejima

October 12-27, 2013
Tamayo Samejima

A solo exhibition of sumie painting, with live painting performances and tea ceremonies.
Istar Schwager

June 9 - July 8, 2013
Istar Schwager

A solo exhibition of recent paintings, sketches & works in progress

June 22, 2013

An art-ful social event celebrating the summer solstice, with music by Fist of Kindness, art by Istar Schwager, and haircuts almost performed by Van Reipen Collective.
Tender Buttons

March 23 & 30, 2013

An evening of performance, art installation & food.

Van Reipen Collective's
Tender Buttons: Food, Part II

("A Little Piece Please")

a workshop performance

(watch the video)

Tender Buttons

November 18, 2012
The Opening of Eonta Space

An evening of convivial conversation,
hors d'oeuvres, music and performance.

Van Reipen Collective's
Tender Buttons: Food, Part I

a workshop performance

Bugs, the Fifth
Bugs, the Fifth (6:47)

A short video by Gary Heidt, Jordan Hollender, Lauren Farber and Cassandra V Chopourian

Shot at Eonta Space

(watch the video)